Turn on your Xiaomi Smart Plug 2 (Wi-Fi) using just your voice with help from Google.
Connect to the Xiaomi Home app
You can easily switch the plug on and off with your smart phone to control the power of traditional appliances at home.
Smart timig for on and off - No worries about forgetting to turn off the power
If you always forget to turn off the kettle or humidifier when you leave home every morning, you can set a timer for the Smart Plug to avoid that you really did not turn off that appliance.
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Popis produktu:
Voice control
Turn on your Xiaomi Smart Plug 2 (Wi-Fi) using just your voice with help from Google.
Connect to the Xiaomi Home app
You can easily switch the plug on and off with your smart phone to control the power of traditional appliances at home.
Smart timig for on and off - No worries about forgetting to turn off the power
If you always forget to turn off the kettle or humidifier when you leave home every morning, you can set a timer for the Smart Plug to avoid that you really did not turn off that appliance.